As we get older we often take things for granted. We all collectively feel that we have it covered and that we can still handle just about anything that is thrown at us. However, this is not always the case and not reaching out for help in cer
May 05, 2017 | Age in Place Seniors Home Care Senior Advocate
This is a great article illustrating many aspects of how a Reverse Mortgage can be a terrific retirement tool as long as you are not flagrant with your money. If you use it for financial balance and create cash flow for monthly living expenses so you can
Apr 21, 2017 | Seniors Retirement Planning HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Retirement security
Many retirees and seniors have forward mortgages and traditional home equity lines. All forward mortgage instruments require monthly payments. As we know, if you do not pay your monthly payments after a short period of time the lenders will in
Mar 07, 2017 | Reverse Mortgage HECM Reverse Mortgage Home Care Retirement Planning
Terrific article that puts the terminology surrounding reverse mortgages in better context and explains it so normal people can understand. As the article denotes, with a Reverse Mortgage, foreclosure is not necessarily a bad thing. Foreclosure is n
Jan 20, 2017 | Reverse Mortgage Traditional Mortgage foreclosure Trump Treasury
As we enter the New Year, planning is on the minds of most people, especially those that are retired or considering retirement. A popular decision that often yields a big payoff is the downsizing your home for retirement. There comes a point w
Jan 06, 2017 | Retirement Planning Reverse Mortgage HECM for Purchase Seniors Age in Place downsizing
Funding care is an important topic. A great way to address the care related issues of aging while allowing seniors to maintain their privacy and independence is to consider the addition of a Reverse Mortgage. Paying off forward mortgages, home
Dec 13, 2016 | Reverse Mortgage Retirement Planning home equity access Home Care HECM Reverse Mortgage Seniors Long Term Care Medicare supplemental retirement income Age in Place