The words retired, fixed income, and divorce don’t always go that well together. Many retirees live primarily on Social Security and a small amount of investment income. A divorce, no matter how amicable, will often require the division of pro
Aug 10, 2017 | Reverse Mortgage HECM Reverse Mortgage Seniors Gray Divorce Retirement security
The most prevalent type of care that most of us will face for ourselves and our families will most likely be related to various forms of in-home care. This has become the most preferred and cost efficient means of care, ranging from basic companions
Jul 10, 2017 | Home Care Long Term Care HECM Reverse Mortgage Senior Care
I completely agree with the authors opinion on long term care policies. After doing significant research for myself I determined that the monthly and up front lump sum long term care policies were not for me. There are simply too many variables out
Jun 15, 2017 | HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Long Term Care growth factor
Is mortgage debt eliminated when you get a Reverse Mortgage? Some would venture to say the debt is eliminated, however, this is misleading and causes significant confusion and lack of understanding with the program. This concept appears too good to
Jun 07, 2017 | HECM Reverse Mortgage Traditional Mortgage mortgage debt
As we get older we often take things for granted. We all collectively feel that we have it covered and that we can still handle just about anything that is thrown at us. However, this is not always the case and not reaching out for help in cer
May 05, 2017 | Age in Place Seniors Home Care Senior Advocate
This is a great article illustrating many aspects of how a Reverse Mortgage can be a terrific retirement tool as long as you are not flagrant with your money. If you use it for financial balance and create cash flow for monthly living expenses so you can
Apr 21, 2017 | Seniors Retirement Planning HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Retirement security