A Reverse Mortgage provides a unique advantage to retirees with home equity seeking supplementary income. In addition to additional income it also provides the opportunity to pay off existing mortgages and home equity lines to free up additional mon
Mar 23, 2016 | supplemental retirement income HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Retirement Planning Financial Planning
When people retire, they often go from receiving a pay check every two weeks to a fixed income. Many may also have businesses that they have just sold. Now with this comes freedom but with this new found freedom there is an expectation that th
Mar 04, 2016 | Retirement security Real Estate Economy Reverse Mortgage supplemental retirement income Retirement income insecurity HECM Reverse Mortgage Financial Planning Seniors
Qualifications for HECM Reverse Mortgages have gotten tougher since early 2015. FHA’s addition of financial assessments has shifted the main emphasis from age and property value to residual income, credit and debts. The issue is less abo
Feb 23, 2016 | Retirement Planning Reverse Mortgage Seniors supplemental retirement income Financial Planning Financial Assessments HECM Reverse Mortgage LESA Eligibility for Reverse Mortgage
Good article on Forbes.com today titled - Wise Reverse Mortgages Can Be the Saving Grace of Unprepared Retirees by Wade Pfau.A saving grace for those that use a Reverse Mortgage wisely may hold the key. There is no rush to spend your home equity.&nb
Feb 12, 2016 | Reverse Mortgage Retirement Planning HECM Reverse Mortgage Financial Planning Seniors Retirement security home equity access
A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, or otherwise referred to as a HECM Reverse Mortgage, is considered a complex loan program. Fiduciaries and industry professionals across the board often get swept away with homeowners as they attempt to grasp a gen
Feb 08, 2016 | Reverse Mortgage HECM Reverse Mortgage Retirement security supplemental retirement income Social Security Seniors Retirement Planning Financial Planning
Good article below. A diversified base of income in retirement is important. The three legged stool analogy is a great illustration for balance. Why be dependent just on one or two sources of income and potentially worry? This is the insecurit
Feb 02, 2016 | Retirement Planning supplemental retirement income HECM Reverse Mortgage Financial Planning reverse credit line