Nice article in Forbes providing specific applications for Reverse Mortgages. HECM Reverse Mortgages are clearly an area that the public and the advisor community will need to pay more attention to if we are to collectively achieve retirement goals
Oct 08, 2015 | supplemental retirement income Retirement Planning HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Financial Planning Retirement income insecurity
The Sandwich Generation is defined as parents who have to take care of their kids and their aging parent(s) at the same time. According to the Pew Research Center, just over 1 of every 8 Americans aged 40 to 60 is both raising a child and caring for
Sep 12, 2015 | Home Care Retirement Planning HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Sandwich Generation Financial Planning
For most retirees, how to get the most out of Social Security is not common knowledge. Often they retire and the next step, based on need or assumption, is to sign up for Social Security benefits. The benefit system is complex with many variab
Aug 11, 2015 | Retirement Planning HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Social Security
Good Article on MarketWatch, titled "New Ways to Pay for Long-Term Healthcare". I can't get comfortable with long term care insurance. I have met many long-term care specialists that sell this product and they all will tell you th
Jul 16, 2015 | Long Term Care Reverse Mortgage Home Care HECM Reverse Mortgage Retirement Planning Seniors
Monthly cash flow seems to be the order of the day. As we age, many of us find ourselves in a constant battle trying to manage funds in from income and funds out for living expenses and care. Reverse Mortgages go a long way toward addressing this is
Jul 08, 2015 | HECM Reverse Mortgage supplemental retirement income Retirement Planning Home Care Reverse Mortgage
A Reverse Mortgage can provide easy access to home equity that has been built up over time. In turn, these funds can be used for in home care and enable the homeowner to stay in their home. There are some qualifications for eligibility but the
Jun 26, 2015 | Home Care HECM Reverse Mortgage Reverse Mortgage Long Term Care